Way of the World

Demi and the dolphin The actress Demi Moore has suffered an unfortunate experience with a dolphin. According to the New York Post, Miss Moore was visiting Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat in Last Vegas, accompanied by her three children and her former husband, Bruce Willis.

Demi and the dolphin

The actress Demi Moore has suffered an unfortunate experience with a dolphin. According to the New York Post, Miss Moore was visiting Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat in Last Vegas, accompanied by her three children and her former husband, Bruce Willis.

Among the entertainments on offer was a swim with the dolphins. Many people believe that swimming with dolphins has a marvellously therapeutic effect on human beings, so Miss Moore must have plunged into that pool with high hopes.

Imagine Miss Moore's astonishment, then, when one of the dolphins - a male - found her well-known sexual magnetism hard to resist, even though Miss Moore was wearing a swimsuit at the time. Who knows? Perhaps the dolphin (name withheld) had sat through the otherwise poorly-attended film Striptease, in which Miss Moore can be seen for a good few minutes dancing around an upright pole wearing nothing but a frown.

"Dolphins are sexually aggressive," an anonymous source told the New York Post, "and one went after Demi in a big way." Apparently, the actress screamed for help after the dolphin began to rub his body against her, at which point a trainer came to the rescue.

Earlier this year, I, too, swam with dolphins at Dolphin Cove, while staying at Beaches Hotel in Jamaica. I am pleased to report that all the dolphins were extremely well-mannered, at a given signal making squeaky noises, performing jaunty little dances and even propelling me through the water with their noses. At no point did I feel that they were undressing me with their eyes. Yes, the trainer asked one of them to kiss me, and it was happy to oblige. But the dolphin in question did not try to take advantage of me, nor did it imagine that its modest peck might lead to anything more serious or long-term.

Leading him on

But then I have never appeared nude in a major motion picture, now widely available on DVD and video. Even though the movie was released some time ago, dolphins are said to have remarkable memories, and there is every reason to believe that the image of Ms Moore remained vivid in his dolphin mind. If this is the case, Ms Moore must surely take some of the blame for "leading him on".

Anyway, Las Vegas is no place for a young dolphin. Small wonder some of them grow morally tainted by the prevailing atmosphere. Doubtless many Las Vegas dolphins end up spending their spare time squandering their hard-earned salaries on the fruit machines, or tipsily singing along to Engelbert Humperdinck while supping Pina Coladas.

Coincidentally, the day after Demi Moore was accosted by her louche dolphin, friends of Liza Minnelli announced that the noisy singer was splitting up with her husband of 14 months, Mr David Gest. Or is it such a coincidence? I have no means of judging whether or not Mr Gest is, in biological terms, a dolphin, but he certainly looks very odd, and moves from A to B in a very rubbery sort of way. On a recent television documentary, he spent a great deal of time making squeaky noises and rubbing his body up against Miss Minnelli's in a most uncalled-for way.

If, as I suspect, Mr Gest's hair turns out to be a toupee, it can only be a matter of time before someone pulls it off. Any Way of the World readers in the vicinity when this occurs should seize the opportunity to take a closer look at his scalp. Should they spot a small circular breathing-hole embedded in the centre, they should immediately alert the relevant authorities, so that he can be returned to Siegfried and Roy's Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat in Las Vegas forthwith.

An unwelcome din

Elsewhere in the animal kingdom, a 61-year-old grandmother, Mrs Catherine Mordue from Chelmsley Wood, has confessed to magistrates that she made her neighbours' cats sick by feeding them fish laced with slug pellets.

After being fined £300 with £295 costs, Mrs Mordue explained that she had been upset by the noise made by her neighbours, Alan and Josie Masefield, while making love. "They made so much noise that the dog used to wake me up barking. I was embarrassed . . . I knocked on the door and said, 'I hope you don't mind but could you turn it down a bit because the sex is waking up my dog'." But her complaint fell on deaf ears, so Mrs Mordue reached for the slug pellets. "I had no intention of killing their cats. I just wanted to make them ill so the Masefields would realise what they'd done. I regret it. It was very silly, but I was so angry."

It might comfort Mrs Mordue to know that things could be worse. If she lived in Las Vegas, her dog might have been woken by the yells of Demi Moore being molested by a dolphin. If she lived in New York, she could have been forced to listen to Miss Minnelli shrieking "Come to the Caba-RAAAAAAAAY" all night while her husband flapped around in the bathroom. To my mind, she got off lightly.

